Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Assignment 6

Evil Penguin!

Untitled from Wynona Becker on Vimeo.

I don't know why I'm in an evil penguin mode but its working for me.  I love penguins, really I do.  I drew everything on photoshop, each on a separate layer.  (I traced the evil penguin from my favorite book: Evil Penguins: When Cute Penguins go Bad)  I brought the separated layers in to After Effects and made them in to 3D layers.  After that I arranged where I wanted everything and created a camera and key framed its motion.  I added animation to the snowball that the evil penguin is holding.  I'm not sure why the snowball is see through and then turning solid.  It shows up normal, as a solid, in After Effects.  Other than that this project was really fun I really enjoying using cameras and 3D in After Effects.

1 comment:

  1. really beautiful...i love the softness of some of your alpha
