Sunday, January 25, 2009


I'm Wynona Becker (no, not like Winona Ryder or Wynonna Judd but pronounced When-oh-na) but feel free to call me Nona. Anywho, I'm a senior RTF major (not so much the R) at the University of Texas graduating in May. My focus is mainly in Post Production. My dream job is editing for TV on a sitcom/drama.

I work for KLRU-TV, Austin's local PBS station. This is my fourth year working for KLRU. I started in the development department but then after a year and a half I transfered to the production department. I assist the producers with daily work and help on the local shows: Austin City Limits, Central Texas Gardner, Docubloggers, and Texas Monthly Talks. Just recently I produced and edited my own segment on the show Docubloggers. The segment is an interview of children's book author R. L. Stine when he visited town for the Austin Book Festival.

Last Spring I moved to Los Angeles with the UT-LA program. I completed an internship on the movie Spread starring Ashton Kutcher. I worked in the production office and occasionally got to go to set to observe and help out. I learned about everyone's position and the inner workings of a movie from more of a producer's stand point. One of the classes I took in the UT-LA program required us to make a short movie as a group. I took on the position as editor for my group. We created the YouTube spoof making fun of a Jimmy Kimmel sketch.

This past summer I interned on the documentary Tattooed Under Fire directed by Nancy Schiesari during its post production phase. Some of the things I assisted the editor with were pulling stock footage, verifying information, finding sound effects, and transcribing.

Other non-RTF facts about me: I love penguins, the color green, tennis, and cheese.

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