Thursday, May 7, 2009


I have made some great progress in catching up!
So far I have drawn out all of the scenery in photoshop and composed them in After Effects to make my 3D scene.  

I completed designing all of the newspapers with headlines.. They are ready to go and just need to be put in place which I'm going to do once I have the still pictures ready.

I am in the process of drawing animated penguins but they are looking really awesome!  I had some trouble at first because I couldn't figure out how to turn the background color off
 when transferring the animations to After Effects but I eventually figured out how to do it. 

I still have a ton to do but this is all I'm working/focusing on at the moment.  I'm doing everything in order that way if I run out of time I can cut the scene short and add in the rest later.  
Here are a few of the newspapers: 

Newspaper 3

Newspaper 5

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